ROMACTED – Visit to Community Action Group (CAG) – Lipjan/Lipljan

ROMACTED – Visit to Community Action Group (CAG) – Lipjan/Lipljan

On 28 of June 2021, following the framework of CoE-EU ROMACTED II Programme in Kosovo, Focal Point of the support organization – Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration (FDMC) and ROMACTED II Project Officer, started a round of visits to Community Action Groups (CAGs) in beneficiary municipalities. First visit was paid to CAG in Lipjan/Lipljane. Introduction of the…

Sporazoom: Obećano (ne)ispunjeno (Prilog)
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Sporazoom: Obećano (ne)ispunjeno (Prilog)

U emisiji #𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐨𝐨𝐦, poslednjoj u ovoj sezoni, gostovali su Tanja Vujisić, novinarka radija Beograd, Nedžmedin Spahiu, politički analitičar, Igor Marković i viši istraživač u Ngo Aktiv. Navršava se 100 dana od kada je premijer Kosova Aljbin Kurti stupio na dužnost. Da li se pridržava onoga što je obećao u predizbornoj kampanji ili vlast menja stavove?…

Sporazoom: Obećano (ne)ispunjeno – 23.06.2021.
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Sporazoom: Obećano (ne)ispunjeno – 23.06.2021.

Iako je Aljbin Kurti u svom prvom obraćanju za skupštiskom govornicom  kao premijer rekao da je će biti “premijer svih građana Kosova”, viši istraživač u nevladinoj organizaciji “Aktiv” Igor Marković, smatra da on zapravo ni u jednom trenutku u prethodnih 100 dana Vlade nije pokazao da je, kako je tada kazao, predsednik svih građana Kosova….


OPEN-Istrazivacki Projekat

Uključivanje kosovskih Srba u proces dijaloga/normalizacije odnosa Kosova i Srbije-Ovaj predlog projekta ima za cilj da upotpuni jedan od aspekata istraživanih tema u okviru projekta OPEN, koja je usmerena na merenje otvorenosti zajednice kosovskih Srba. U fokusu istraživanja će biti različite dimenzije dijaloga, tj. procesa normalizacije, vođenog između Beograda i Prištine, sa posebnim osvrtom na…


TV emisija Sporazoom-Gracanica 2021

Cilj ovog projekta je unapređenje demokratskih procesa na centralnom Kosovu kroz veću uključenost građana u javni dijalog. Emisija Sporazum, direktno i indirektno ce imati utiacaj na srpsku ali i ostale zajednice na Kosovu, posto se diskusije koje se u emisijama vode od velikog značaja za obe zajednice. Sporazum se bavi “vrućim“ temama, u otvorenom međusobnom…


Development capacities of the local health institutions for the Home visiting Programme

The project intervention is developed based on HRB approach and participatory approach and on the current immense needs of the six target Municipalities with Serbian majority population in central Kosovo that includes up to 10 health Centres in Gracanica, Novo Brdo, Partes, Klokot, Ranilug and Strpce. The intervention is designed to fill the current capacity…



The overall project objective will support local democracy development, accountability, inclusiveness and responsiveness of the institutions towards Roma citizens through improved delivery of services.The project built on the ROMACTED I results and ROMACTED Methodology and will also support policy implementation and better engagement of the local authorities to enhance democratic processes in order to stimulate…


Civic initiative center in Gracanica-“Civic Energy Center-CEC” 2021

Gracanica “Civic Energy Center-CEC” proposed intervention for 2021 will promote further civic initiative and engagement, further community involvement and social cohesion, representatives including raising awareness about dialog process, and will serve as every day as service center where all citizens will have right to use it for different planned activities and further contribute for more…


Support effective provisions for durable solutions opportunities for internally displaced persons 2021

Proposed project initiative aims to further support and advocate with the relevant central and local level institutions in order to ensure supportable environment for durable solutions including other favorable options such as returning to place of origin, integrating in the place of displacement, and resettling in a place other that the place of displacement in…


Gracanica Bridge Rewiring 2021

Proposed project “Gracanica Bridge rewiring 20/21” will further promote social cohesion, civic engagement initiatives, and the most important an open dialogues part of the transformation process that will further contribute to the open society principles promotion, open debates on the currently very important topics for the minority communities in Central Kosovo. The overall project will…