Priča o porodici Beriša – The story of the Berisha family
Pre devetnaest godina, porodica Beriša morala je da napusti svoj dom u Obiliću, usled martovskih događaja na Kosovu. Iako je to bilo izazovno vreme za mnoge porodice koje su se našle u istoj situaciji, porodica Beriša pronašla je inspirativne trenutke i uspostavila snažnu vezu sa ljudima u Kolektivnom Centru.
Nerdžan Beriša, kao tinejdžer, napustio je rodno mesto sa ocem, majkom i bratom i privremeni smeštaj pronašao u nekadašnjem hotelu zaposlenih u preduzeću “Trepča”. I pored malog stambenog prostora, Nerdžanova supruga Anita i njihovo troje dece ovde su stvorili svoj dom.
Deca Anel, Farija i Anes odrasla su u Kolektivnom Centru, ali ih to nije sprečilo da budu odlični đaci i vaspitana i uzorna deca. Svesni situacije u kojoj se nalazi njihova porodica, zadovoljni su osnovnim potrebama koje su im obezbeđene, kao što su udžbenici i oprema za školu.
Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju (FDMC), u partnerstvu sa UNHCR-om, radi na obezbeđivanju trajnih rešenja za interno raseljena lica i izbeglice smeštene u Kolektivnim Centrima na Kosovu. Nedavno, FDMC i UNHCR su obezbedili pumpu za vodu, u cilju rešavanje problema sa otpadnim vodama koji je nastao u Kolektivnom Centru „Hotel 3“, u kome živi i porodica Beriša.
Dok porodica Beriša još čeka na trajno rešenje, ostaju optimistični, zahvalni na malim stvarima u životu. Svojom izdržljivošću, ova porodica, izvukla je najbolje tokom svih teških događaja, i nastavlja da naporno radi za bolju budućnost.
Nineteen years ago, the Berisha family had to leave their home in Obilić/Obiliq due to the March events in Kosovo. While it was a challenging time for many families experiencing the same situation, Berisha’s family still found some inspiring moments and formed a strong bond with the people in the Collective Shelter.
Nerdžan Beriša, was just a teenager time when he left his birthplace with his father, mother, and brother and moved into temporary accommodation in the former hotel of employees of the “Trepča” company. Despite the small living space, Nerdzan’s wife Anita and their three children have made a home there.
The children, Anel, Farija, and Anes, have grown up in the shelter, but it hasn’t stopped them from being excellent students and well-mannered children. They understand the family’s situation and are happy with the basic needs provided for them, such as textbooks and equipment for the school.
The Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration (FDMC), in partnership with UNHCR, has been working to provide durable solutions for internally displaced persons and refugees accommodated in Collective Shelters in Kosovo. Only recently, FDMC and UNHCR provided a water pump to solve a problem with wastewater in the Collective Shelter “Hotel 3” where the Berisha family lives.
While the Berisha family still needs a permanent solution, they remain optimistic and grateful for the little things in life. They are a resilient family who have made the best of their circumstances and continue working hard for a better future.