Napred zajedno – priča o mladoj porodici / Forward Together – A Young Family story
Svaka porodica u Kolektivnom Centru ima svoju priču o snazi, upornosti i opstajanju, među njima je i mladi bračni par Stanković.
Odrastanje u uslovima koje nisu sami birali, učinili su ih jačim, otpornijim i naučili ih da kroz život koračaju stabilnim korakom.
Rodom iz Prizrena, nekada četvoročlana a sada šestočlana porodica Stanković je morala svoj život da nastavi u nekadašnjem hotelu “Lahor” na Brezovici, da bi se deceniju kasnije preselila u Kolektivni Centar “Flotacija” u Leposaviću. Međutim, i dalje čekaju na trajno rešenje.
Dvadesetogodišnji Dragoljub Stanković osnovao je svoju porodicu u Kolektivnom Centru. Za Dragoljubovu porodicu, život u 14 kvadratnih metara nije nimalo lak.
“Život u Kolektivnom Centru, teška svakodnevna situacija, naveli su me su me da preuzmem veliki korak i da se sa 18 godina zaposlim u rudnik Trepča. Na taj korak sam se odlučio da bih mojoj porodici i malenoj ćerki Kalini obezbedio bar osnovne potrepštine za život.”
Posao rudara iziskuje trud ali sa sobom nosi i veliki rizik. Svakodnevni silazak u jamu na više stotina metara ispod zemlje, kod njegove supruge Anđele kao i čitave njegove porodice izaziva stah i strepnju tokom čitave smene, sve do njegovog povratka u njihov mali kutak.
Najveću radost svim Stankovićima pričinjava osmeh šestomesečne Kaline koja širi ruke ka tati svakog dana kada dolazi s posla.
Vredni i uporni Stankovići ne odustaju od traženja trajnog rešenja za stambeno pitanje, što bi im, pored radosti sa bebom, bila najveća nagrada kao mladom bračnom paru koji je odlučan da proširi porodicu i nastavi da živi na ovom prostoru.
Each family in the Collective Shelter has its own story of strength, endurance and survival, among them is the young married couple Stankovic.
Growing up in difficult conditions that they did not choose themselves, made them stronger, more resilient, and taught them how to walk steadily through life.
Originally from Prizren, once four members and now six members Stanković family, had to continue their lives in the former hotel “Lahor”, the Collective Shelter in Brezovica. One decade later, family moves to the Collective Shelter “Flotacija” in Leposavic,. However, they are still searching for a durable solution.
Dragoljub Stankovic, twenty-years-old established his family in the Collective Shelter. For Dragoljub’s family life in a 14 square meters residence is not comfortable at all.
“Life in a Collective Shelter, in dire situation led me to take a big step and get a job at the “Trepča” mine, since I was 18 years old. I accepted this challenge, so that I could provide my family and my little daughter Kalina with at least the basic necessities for normal life.”
The job of a miner requires effort, but it also carries with it a great risk. The daily descent into the pit, hundreds of meters below the ground, causes his wife, Anđela, as well as his entire family, fear and worry during the entire shift, until he returns to their little corner. The biggest joy for whole Stankovic family is the smile of six-month-old Kalina, who spreads her arms to her father every day when he comes home from work.
The hardworking and persistent Stankovic family do not give up waiting for a durable solution related to the housing issue, which, in addition to the joy of having a baby, would be their greatest reward as a young married couple who are determined to expand their family and continue living in this area.