Održavanje prazničnog duha u Kolektivnim Centrima / Sharing the festive spirit in the Collective Shelters

Dok otkucavaju poslednji sati 2023. FDMC slavi sa ljudima za koje i sa kojima radimo. Kroz partnerstvo sa UNHCR-om, potrudili smo se da izmamimo osmehe deci i podržimo što bolje proslavljanje prazničnih dana na kraju godine interno raseljenim licima i izbeglicama smeštenim u Kolektivnim Centrima.

Život i boravak u kolektivnom centru sa sobom nosi svakodnevne brige i probleme, međutim, staviti do znanja ovim ljudima da nisu sami i zaboravljeni, veliki je korak ka zajedničkom pronalaženju trajnih rešenja, i boljoj integraciji interno raseljenih lica i izbeglica u mestima raseljeništva.

Sanja Bjelotomić, izbeglica iz Bosne i Hercegovine, utočište u Kolektivnom Centru „Velji Breg“ u opštini Zubin Potok, pronašla je 1996. godine. U Veljem Bregu živi sa sinom, koji je student. Kako sama kaže „Nije nimalo lako obezbediti sve što je potrebno za normalno funkcionisanje. Ova pomoć u vidu hrane će nam itekako značiti, obzirom da i sin i ja radimo povremeno, u privatnim kompanijama, i nekada nismo u mogućnosti da obezbedimo sve onom što nam je potrebno“. Sličnu sudbinu deli i porodica Igora Janićijevića iz Prištine, koji sa suprugom i dvoje dece uspeva da vedrim i pozitivnim duhom prevaziđe svakodnevne probleme sa kojima se suočavaju. „Ne mogu reći da je lako, drvene barake u kojima boravimo nisu u najboljem stanju, koliko smo u mogućnosti uspevamo da saniramo sitnije kvarove i oštećenja, ali pozitivan duh nas održava“. Iako je samo Igorova supruga stalno zaposlena, svi članovi porodice trude se da doprinesu kućnom budžetu, a pomoć koju je FDMC obezbedio u partnerstvu sa UNHCR-om, dodatno to olakšava. Igor navodi „bez obzira kolika pomoć bila količinski, nama je dovoljan i taj mali znak pažnje, i osećaj pripadnosti koji se stvara ovakvim gestovima“.

Dok obeležavamo prazničnu sezonu i sabiramo dostignuća, ostajemo posvećeni unapređenju održivih rešenja i efektivne integracije pojedinaca sa i za koje radimo.

While the last hours of 2023 are ticking the clock, FDMC is celebrating with the people we work for and with. Through the partnership with @UNHCR_Kosovo, we could bring smiles to the children and support for a better celebration of the end-of-year festive days to the Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees accommodated in the Collective Shelters.

Living and staying in a collective centre brings daily worries and problems with it. However, letting these people know that they are not alone and forgotten is a big step towards finding durable solutions together and better integration of internally displaced persons and refugees in the places of displacement.

Sanja Bjelotomić, a refugee from Bosnia and Herzegovina, found a shelter in the Collective Center “Velji Breg” in the municipality of Zubin Potok in 1996. He lives in Velje Breg with his son, who is a student. As she says, “It is not at all easy to provide everything necessary for normal functioning. This assistance will mean a lot to us, considering that both my son and I work occasionally, in private companies, and sometimes we are not able to provide everything we need”.

A similar fate is shared by the internally displaced family of Igor Janićijević from Priština, who, together with his wife and two children, manages to overcome their daily problems with a cheerful and positive spirit. “I can’t say it’s easy; the wooden barracks we are accommodated in are not in the best condition; as far as we can, we manage to repair minor breakdowns and damages, but a positive spirit sustains us”. Although only Igor’s wife is permanently employed, all family members try to contribute to the household budget, and the assistance provided by FDMC in partnership with UNHCR makes it even easier. Igor states that “regardless of the amount of assistance, even this small sign of attention and the feeling of belonging that is created by such gestures is enough for us”.

While celebrating the festive season and realizing the achievements we have so far, we stay committed to enhancing sustainable solutions and effective integration with the individuals we are working for.

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