U složnu porodicu sreća sama dolazi / In a harmonious family happiness comes by itself

Narodna izreka kaže da u složnu porodicu sreća sama dolazi, i upravo ta izreka vodilja je porodice Adžić. Dve prostorije od približno 30 kvadratnih metara u Kolektivnom centru Flotacija u Leposaviću, mesto su gde Eva, Dragana, Ljuban, Lena i Una provode svoj život.

Nakon konflikta u Hrvatskoj, 1995 godine, u potrazi za sigurnom lukom, porodica Adžić dolazi na Kosovo. „Kada smo izbegli iz Hrvatske, mislili smo da ćemo u Kosovom Polju pronaći svoj mir, da će nam to biti siguran dom. I onda kada sam mislila da će se sve vratiti u normalu i kada smo počeli da se privikavamo, martovski događaji 2004-te su nas naveli na još jedno preseljenje“- priseća se Eva – „kada jednom izbegnete iz svog rodnog mesta jeste teško, a zamislite onda kako je kada vam se to ponovi opet u životu.“

Život u Kolektivnom centru Flotacija nije nimalo lak. Sedam porodica, krov koji prokišnjava, jedno kupatilo, najveći su problemi stanovnika ovog kolektivnog centra. „Zime su jako hladne, a kišnih dana se najviše bojimo , jer malo veća količina kiše stvara prokišnjavanje i odmah budemo uskraćeni za jednu prostoriju, u kojoj je tada nemoguće boraviti“ govori Dragana. Ono što joj je najteže jeste to što nemaju adekvatno kupatilo u kome bi mogla da nesmetano okupa svoje ćerke. „Naš krov nad glavom je ono što nam najviše fali. Najdraže bi mi bilo kada bih znala da imam svoj stan, svoje kupatilo sa toplom vodom i kadom, u kome mogu da okupam svoje ćerkice i da ne brinem da li će im biti hladno.“

Iako im život nije lak, ova porodica ima dva velika razloga za sreću, a to su devojčice Lena od 4 godine i Una sa 7 meseci. „Najradosniji trenuci u mom životu jesu oni u kojima gledam osmehe mojih devojčica.“ Animirati radoznalu Lenu u ovakvim životnim uslovima nije lak zadatak, ali mama Dragana ga obavlja itekako uspešno. „Una je još mala, dok je Lena već jako radoznala i pričljiva. Trudim se da joj dan ispunim različitim igrama, zabavom i učenjem. Kada je sunčano vreme iskoristimo ga za šetnju i igranje napolju, a tokom kišnih i hladnijih dana uglavnom crtamo, bojimo i učimo nove igrice„ kaže Dragana.

U tako malom prostoru, roditelju su se potrudili i uspeli da maloj Leni i Uni naprave kutak za igru. Povodom svetskog dana porodice, Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, maloj Leni i njenoj sestri Uni, dodelila je pribor za crtanje, pisanje i učenje kroz zabavu, a osmeh i zahvalnost na licu male Lene samo su pokazali koliko sitnice mogu da znače malom i skromnom detetu poput nje.

Teškim danima ove, ali i drugih porodica smeštenih u Kolektivnim centrima u Leposaviću, bliži se kraj. Fondovima Evropske Unije, u Leposaviću je počela realizacija projekta izgradnje stambenih jedinica kao vid trajnog rešenja za izbeglice i interno raseljena lica u Kolektivnim centrima.

Autor: Filip Dimić

A folk saying says that happiness itself comes to a harmonious family, and the Adžić family is guided by that folk saying. Two rooms of approximately 30 square meters in the Collective Shelter Flotacija in Leposavic/Leposaviq, are the place where Eva, Dragana, Ljuban, Lena and Una spend their lives.

After the conflict in Croatia in 1995, in search of a safe haven, the Adzic family came to Kosovo. „When we fled Croatia, we thought that we would find our peace in Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje, that it would be our safe home. And then when I thought that everything would return to normal and when we started to get used to the new conditions, the events of March 2004 led us to another relocation.“ – Eva remembers – „Once you escape from your hometown, it’s hard, and then imagine how it looks like when it happens again in your life.”

Life in the Flotacija Collective Shelter is not easy at all. Seven families, a leaking roof, one bathroom, are the biggest problems of the residents of this collective Shelter. “Winters are very cold, and we are most afraid of rainy days, because a little more rain creates leaks and we are immediately deprived of one room, in which it is then impossible to stay” says Dragana. The most difficult thing for her is that they do not have an adequate bathroom in which she could bathe her daughters without any problems. „Our own roof over our heads is what we miss the most. I would most like to know that I have my own apartment, my own bathroom with hot water and a bathtub, where I can bathe my daughters and not worry if they will be cold.”

Although life is not easy for them, this family has two big reasons for happiness, and they are girls Lena, 4 years old, and Una, 7 months old. „The happiest moments in my life are the ones where I look at the smiles of my girls.“ Animating the curious Lena in such living conditions is not an easy task, but mom Dragana does it very successfully. „Una is still small, while Lena is already very curious and talkative. I try to fill her day with different games, fun and learning. When the weather is sunny, we use it for walking and playing outside, and during rainy and colder days we mostly draw, paint and learn new games“ says Dragana. 

In such a small space, the parents made an effort and managed to make a play corner for little Lena and Una.

On the occasion of World Family Day, the Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, UNHCR partner organization, provided tools for drawing, writing and learning through fun for Lena and Una, and the smile and gratitude on little Lena’s face only showed how little things can mean to a small and humble child like her.

The difficult days of this, but also of other families housed in the Collective Shelters in Leposavić/Leposaviq Municipality, are coming to an end. With the funds of the European Union, the realization of the project of building housing units has started in Leposavic/Leposaviq Municipality, as a way of durable solution for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Collective Shelters in this municipality.

Author: Filip Dimic

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