“Onda kada ne možeš, tada najviše moraš” / “When you can’t, then you have to do the most”
Put ka uspehu za jednu ženu, prepun je barijera, i samo one najodlučnije su spremne da ih prevaziđu i nastave dalje ka svom cilju. Kako kaže nasa sagovornica “ne postoji jača sila od žene koja je rešila da uspe u nečemu.”
Vođenje jednog preduzeća veliki je i težak zadatak, a Neda je upravo primer žene koja pokazuje kako se mogu savladati sve prepreke, i bez obzira na teškoće izaći kao pobednik iz ove “bitke”.
Neda je rođena u Prizrenu, međutim kao tinejdžerka je bila primorana da zbog konflkta 1999. godine napusti svoje rodno mesto. Nadajući se da je to samo privremeno, Nedina porodica je utočište našla u prihvatnom centru Junior, u opštini Šrpce. Medjutim, u Junioru su proveli dve decenije svog života. Kroz te dve decenije Neda se udala, zasnovala svoju prodicu, i postala majka dvoje, sada već velike dece.
Godine provedene u kolektivnom centru, Neda opisuje ovako:
- U trenutku kada su se desili konflikti, bili smo primorani da napustimo svoje ognjište, rodbinu, prijatelje, i da nađemo neko privremeno sklonište. Stigli smo u Štrpce, i na Brezovici smo bili smešteni u kolektivnom centru Junior. Nadali smo se da ćemo se ubrzo vratiti u Prizren, našoj kući i starom životu. Međutim, boravak u Junioru se odužio. Primorani na novi život, brzo smo se zbližili sa ostalim porodicama u centru. Iako iz različitih mesta, problemi su nam bili slični. Tu se se desila mnoga prijateljstva, kumstva i ljubavi. I ja sam upravo jedna od tih koji su tu pronašli osobu sa kojom će osnovati porodicu.”
Uz pomoc Danskog saveta za izbeglice, iz fondova Evropske unije, svim korisnicima kolektivnih centara iz opštine Štrpce izgrađeni su novi stanovi.
“Konačno smo dobili mogućnost za neki normalan život. Iz sobice od 16 kvadratnih metara, koja nam je služila i kao dnevna soba, spavaća i kuhinja, sada smo prešli u stan od 75 kvadratnih metara, i konačno svako ima svoju prostoriju. Posebno mi je drago što su moja deca dobila svoje sobe, tako da sada može i da im dolazi društvo, što je do sada bilo jedva izvodljivo.”
Iako je imala težak život, Neda je iz svake životne bitke izlazila kao pobednik, jer kako i sama kaže “Onda kada ne možeš, tada najviše moraš”. Vođena ovom poukom, Neda je pronašla način kako da za svoju porodicu obezbedi prihode, a da ujedno radi ono što voli i u čemu se pronalazi.
“Madame me” naziv je frizersko-kozmetičkog salona, čiji je upravo Neda vlasnik. Moralna podrška joj nikada nije manjkala, ali problem je bio kapital, sredstva od kojih je trebalo opremiti salon.
“Iako sam bila potpuno osposobljena i spremna da pokrenem biznis, nisam imala dovoljno sredstva. Apliciranje na svim konkursima za dodelu subvencija, upravo mi je pomoglo da dobijem grant za pokretanje biznisa.”
Pored frizerskih i kozmetičkih usluga, Neda je zaljubljenik u ručne radove, i to joj je jedan od hobija, ali i način na koji dopunjuje svoje prihode.
“Frizersko kozmetički salon sam otvorila pre 3 godine, i upravo kada je biznis počeo da radi “punom parom” desila se pandemija. Odjednom sve je stalo, nije bilo matura, svadbi i drugih veselja. Sreća je da nikada nisam prestajala sa izradom ručnih radova, pa sam taj nedostatak posla donekle mogla da nadomestim izradom ukrasnih flaša, narodne nošnje, pletenjem čarapa i izradom drugih predmeta sa etno motivima.”
Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju (FDMC), partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, svim korisnicima kolektivnih smeštaja obezbeđuje priliku da svake godine na izložbi “Bazar nade i rukotvorina” izlože svoje ručne radove, na čemu je Neda, kao i ostale korisnice, jako zahvalna.
Na pitanje kako pored svih poslova koje obavlja uspeva da završi sve na vreme i posveti se porodici, Neda odgovara kroz smeh : “Rano ustajem, kasno ležem, i vrlo malo spavam.”
“Iako mi je radno vreme 8 sati dnevno, često se desi da ostanem duže u salonu, pa se kasno vratim kući. Naravno porodica je uvek na prvom mestu, jer onda kad nešto volite, nije problem ostati duže i skratiti odmor par sati”.
Uprkos kovid-19 virusu, i smanjenom obimu posla za njenu struku, Neda uspeva nekako da se izbori, a ručnih radova i noviteta nikako ne manjka. Kako kaže upornost joj je nasledna vrlina, i ponosna je na sebe što je takva, jer ju je to i dovelo ovde gde i jeste sada.
20 godina provedenih u kolektivnom centru, i život u jako lošim uslovima, nauičili su Nedu i njenu porodicu da se bore, budu uporni i hrabro koračaju ka ostvarenju svoga cilja. Nasmejanu Nedu, punu entuzijazma ostavljamo svojim mušterijama, i nadamo se da će u novom stanu biti jos više inspiracije i elana za izradu ručnih radova, koji su nesumnjivo urađeni sa puno pažnje i ljubavi.
Autor: Filip Dimić
The road to success for a woman is full of barriers, and only the most determined are ready to overcome them and move on to their goal. As our interlocutor says: “There is no stronger force than a woman who has decided to succeed in something.”
Running a company is a big and difficult task, and Neda is just an example of a woman who shows how to overcome all obstacles, and regardless of the difficulties, to win in this “battle”.
Neda was born in Prizren, but as a teenager, she was forced to leave her hometown due to the 1999 conflict. Hoping it was only temporary, Neda’s family has found shelter in the “Junior” Collective Shelter in Strpce/ Shtërpcë Municipality. However, they spent two decades of their lives in “Junior”. During those two decades, Neda got married, started her own family, and became mother of two, now already big children.
This is how Neda describes the years spent at the Collective Shelter:
– “At the time when the conflicts happened, we were forced to leave our birth place, relatives, friends, and find a temporary shelter. We arrived in Strpce/ Shtërpcë, while in Brezovica we were accommodated in the “Junior” Collective Shelter. We hoped to return to Prizren, our house and our old life soon. However, the stay in Junior was extended. Forced into a new life, we quickly became close with the other families in the center. Although from different places, our problems were similar. Many friendships, godfathership and loves took place there. And I am just one of those who found a person to start a family with.”
With the help of the Danish Refugee Council, from the European Union funds, new apartments were built for all beneficiaries of the Collective Shelters from the Strpce/ Shtërpcë Municipality.
“We have finally got a chance for a normal life. From a 16-square-meters room, which served as our living room, bedroom and kitchen at the same time, we have now moved into a 75-square-meters apartment, and finally everyone has their own room. I am especially glad that my children got their own rooms, so now they can be visited by friends, which has been hardly feasible so far.”
Although she had a difficult life, Neda emerged victorious from every battle of her life, because as she says, “Then when you can’t, then you have to do the most.” Guided by this lesson, Neda found a way to provide income for her family, while also doing what she loves and what she finds herself in.
“Madame me” is the name of a hair and beauty salon, whose owner is Neda. She never lacked moral support, but the problem was capital, the funds from which the salon had to be equipped.
“Although I was fully qualified and ready to start a business, I did not have enough funds. Applying for all the grant competitions has just helped me to get a start-up grant. ”
In addition to hairdressing and beauty services, Neda is a lover of handicrafts, and this is one of her hobbies, but also a way to supplement her income.
“I opened a hair and beauty salon 3 years ago, and just when the business started working “at full steam”, a pandemic happened. Suddenly everything stopped, there were no graduations, weddings and other celebrations. Luckily, I never stopped making handicrafts, so I was able to make up for that lack of work by making decorative bottles, folk costumes, knitting socks and making other items with ethno motives.”
The Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration (FDMC), UNHCR partner organization, provides all beneficiaries of Collective Shelter with the opportunity to exhibit their handicrafts every year at the “Bazaar of Hope and Handicrafts”, for which is Neda very grateful, like other beneficiaries.
When asked how, in addition to all the work she does, she manages to finish everything on time and dedicate herself to her family, Neda responds with a laugh: “I get up early, go to bed late, and sleep very little.”
“Although my working hours are 8 hours a day, it often happens that I stay longer in the salon, so I return home late. Of course, family always comes first, because when you love something, it’s not a problem to stay longer and shorten your break for a few hours. “
Despite the covid-19 virus, and the reduced workload for her profession, Neda somehow manages to cope, and there is no shortage of handicrafts and novelties. As she says, persistence is her hereditary virtue, and she is proud of herself for being like that, because that brought her where she is now.
20 years spent in a Collective Shelter, and living in very bad conditions, have taught Neda and her family to fight, be persistent and bravely step towards their goal.
We are leaving the smiling Neda, full of enthusiasm, to her customers, and we hope that the new apartment, new home will bring even more inspiration for making handicrafts, which were undoubtedly done with a lot of attention and love.
Author: Filip Dimić