Virtuelna posetu Zoološkom vrtu i „Disneyland“ parku/ Virtual visit to the Zoo and Disneyland Park

Za vreme pandemije, izazov je zadržati decu kod kuće i obezbediti im dovoljno kreativnog i zanimljivog
sadržaja. Imajući u vidu da škole i vrtići rade smanjenim kapacitetom, deca većinu vremena provode kod
kuće sa svojim roditeljima. Kako bi ovu izolaciju učinila zanimljivijom, Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, sa decom iz kolektivnih centara organizovala je virtuelnu posetu Zoološkom vrtu i „Disneyland“ parku.

Deca iz kolektivnih centara imala su priliku da iz svojih domova vide najzanimljivija mesta iz Diznijevog
grada. Takođe, aktivnosti iz zoološkog vrta koje prenose kamere uživo su se jako dopale deci, a najveću
pažnju privukla im je beba panda. FDMC će nastaviti sa sličnim aktivnostima, koristeći kreativane načine
rada kojma će deci iz kolektivnih centara preneti nova saznanja iz različitih oblasti.

During COVID-19 pandemic, to keep children at home and provide them enough of creative and
interesting content and knowledge, is great challenge for parents. Bearing in mind that schools and
kindergartens work with reduced capacity, children spend most of their time at home with their
families. In order to make isolation time more interesting, the Forum for Development and Multiethnic
Collaboration, a UNHCR partner organization, has organized virtual visit to the Zoo and Disneyland Park
with children from the Collective Shelters.
Children IDPs, residing in the Collective Shelters, had the opportunity to see the most interesting places
from Disney City from their homes. Also, the activities from the zoo that are broadcast live by the
cameras were very popular with the children, and the baby panda attracted the most attention. FDMC
will continue with similar activities, using creative ways of working, in order for children from the
Collective Shelters to receive new knowledge from various fields.

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