FDMC obeležio Dan ljudskih prava / FDMC marked Human Rights Day
Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih Nacija proglasila je 10. decembar za Dan ljudskih prava 1950. godine. kako bi skrenula pažnju „naroda sveta“ na Univerzalnu deklaraciju o ljudskim pravima. Tim povodom, Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, organizovala je online debatu sa korisnicima Kolektivnih centara i pravnikom na temu „Ljudska prava i COVID-19 pandemija“.
Ova debata, imala je za cilj da korisnike kolektivnih centara upozna sa UN deklaracijom o ljudskim pravima, i uputi ih na odgovorne osobe kojima se treba obratiti usled kršenja nekog od prava propisanih deklaracijom. Učesnici debate imali su priliku da sa pravnikom razgovaraju o tome da li su njihova prava ugrožena tokom pandemije, kao i da postave pitanja koja ih interesuju, a tiču se povrede Prava ljudi.
The United Nations General Assembly declared 10th December as Human Rights Day 1950, in order to draw the attention of the “peoples of the world” to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On that occasion, the Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, UNHCR partner organization, organized an online debate with the beneficiaries of the Collective Shelters and a lawyer on the topic “Human Rights and the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
The purpose of this debate was to acquaint the beneficiaries of Collective Shelters with the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and to refer them to the responsible persons who should be contacted due to the violation of any of the rights prescribed by the Declaration. Participants in the debate had the opportunity to discuss with a lawyer whether their rights were endangered during the pandemic, as well as to ask questions that interest them, concerning the violation of human rights.