70 godina postojanja i zaštite ljudi / 70 years of existence and protection of people

Visoki komesarijat Organizacije Ujedinjenih Nacija za izbeglice (UNHCR), je osnovan 1950. godine u Ženevi od strane Generalne skupštine Organizacije Ujedinjenih Nacija sa ciljem obezbeđivanja međunarodne zaštite i pomoći izbeglicama. Primarni cilj ove organizacije je zaštita prava izbeglica i njihova svakodnevna dobrobit, što se postiže obezbeđivanjem prava na izbeglički status, dobrovoljni povratak, lokalnu integraciju ili trajno naseljenje u nekoj trećoj zemlji. UNHCR svoje aktivnosti sprovodi u saradnji sa vladama zemalja članica širom sveta. Za 70 godina svog rada, ova agencija je pomogla najmanje 50 miliona ljudi, što joj je donelo dve Nobelove nagrade za mir — 1954. i 1981. godine.

Povodom sedamdesete godišnjice Organizacije Ujedinjenih Nacija za izbeglice (UNHCR), Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, pripremila je promotivni video spot koji promoviše rad ove organizacije.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was founded in Geneva in 1950 by the United Nation General Assembly with the aim of providing international protection and help to refugees. Primary goal of this organization is protecting the rights of refugees and their everyday wellbeing, which is achieved by ensuring the right to refugee status, voluntary return, local integration, and permanent re-settlement in a third country. UNHCR is conducting its activities in cooperation with member-states Governments all around the world. During 70 years of their work, this organization has helped more than 50 million people, which earned it two Nobel Peace Prizes, in 1954 and 1981.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, UNHCR partner organization, has prepared a promotional video promoting the work of this organization.

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