Kako se zaštititi od COVID-19 virusa / How to protect yourself from COVID-19 virus  

Maske, distanca i redovno pranje ruku su najčešće preporuke u vreme pandemije. Kako deci to objasniti?

Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a, sa decom iz kolektivnih centara u opštini Štrpce organizovao je fokus grupu na temu prevencije COVID-19 virusa. Na zabavan način, uz zanimljiv materijal, mališanima je ukazano na koji način se zaštititi od COVID-19 virusa.

Za vreme focus grupe, učesnici su se pridržavali mera prevencije virusa, ustanovljenih od strane Vlade Kosova i Svetske Zdravstvene organizacije.

Masks, distance and frequent hand washing are the most common recommendations during a pandemic situation. How to explain that to children?

Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, UNHCR partner organization, organized a focus group with children from Collective Shelters in the municipality of Strpce on the topic of COVID-19 virus prevention. In a fun way, with interesting material, to kids were shown how to protect themselves from the COVID-19 virus.

During the focus group, participants adhered to virus prevention measures, established by the Government of Kosovo and the World Health Organization.

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