U susret najradosnijem hrišćanskom prazniku Vaskrsu/ Towards the happiest orthodox Christian holiday of Easter
U susret hrišćanskom prazniku Vaskrsu, Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija
UNHCR-a, organizovala je distribuciju jaja i farbe stanovnicima naselja Bergen u opštini Gračanica.
Ova distribucija sprovedena je uz podršku Kosovske fondacije za otvoreno društvo/KFOS, koja je donirala
sredstva u korist interno raseljenih lica i izbeglica smeštenih u novim socijalnim stanovima u naselju
Bergen. Donacijom je pokriveno dvadeset porodica u ovom naselju. Pored jaja i farbi, svakom stanovniku
dodeljene su i zaštitne medicinske maske, kako bi sprečili širenje infekcije COVID-19 virusa.
Svaki vid donacije jako je značajan korisnicima naselja Bergen, jer kako kažu “Dovoljno je da znamo da
neko misli na nas i da nas obilazi”. Obeležavanje najradosnijeg hrišćanskog praznika za stanovnike ovog
naselja ove godine je izuzetno posebno, jer ga dočekuju u renoviranim stanovima, koji su adaptirani iz
fondova Evropske Unije.
Towards the happiest orthodox Christian holiday of Easter, Forum for Development and Multiethnic
Collaboration, UNHCR partner organization, organized the distribution of eggs and egg dye to the
residents of the Bergen settlement, in Municipality of Gracanica.
This distribution was carried out with the support of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society/KFOS
donated funds for the benefit of internally Displaced Persons and Refugees housed in new Social
Housing in Bergen. The donation covered twenty families in this settlement. In addition, each resident
received protective medical masks, in order to protect themselves, and to prevent further COVID-19
infection spreading.
Every type of donation is very important to the residents of the Bergen settlement, as they say, “It is
enough to know that someone is thinking of us and visiting us”. The celebration of the happiest Christian
holiday for the residents of this settlement this year is special, because they will celebrate it in
renovated apartments, which have been adapted from European Union funds.