Uzgajanje povrća u kolektivnom centru Bergen, Gračanica – Growing vegetables in Bergen Collective Shelter, Gracanica

Kako priroda počinje da se budi sa prvim sunčevim zracima, tako i dvoje
sredovečnih ljudi Dušanka Sokolović i Radoje Stijević, svakodnevno obilaze svoju
malu bašticu i raduju se onda kada ih priroda daruje zdravim plodovima voća i

Interno raseljena pedesetdevetogodišnja Dušanka Sokolović iz Kačanika već drugu
deceniju za redom je u potrazi za poslom. Do 1999 godine radila je u Panorami,
ali nakon ratnih sukoba na Kosovu ostala je bez posla. Kako i sama kaže da ne bi
sedela skrštenih ruku, poučena ranijim iskustvom da bez rada nema hleba odlučila
je da na dva ara, zajedno sa komšijom Stijević Radojem, napravi malu baštu.
Uslova za veliku proizvodnju povrća nemaju, ali kako ne bi svakodnevno odlazili u
prodavnicu i kupovali povrće odlučili su se da na ta dva ara zasade malo paprike,
luka, paradajza i krompira.
Radoje Stijević, koji je izbegao iz sela Drenje kod Istoka kaže da je on i ranije
obrađivao zemlju u svom rodnom kraju pa mu i rad u bašti ne predstavlja problem
već razbibrigu.
Prvenstveno zbog brige o sopstvenom zdravlju Radoje i Dušanka proizvode
potpuno organsko povrće bez upotrebe bilo kakvih pesticida. Dušanka napominje
da plodove koje oni uberu izuzetno se razlikuju od povrća koje su kupovali po
malim i velikim trgovinskim radnjama. Na naše pitanje zašto je to tako, Radoje
odgovara da „iako su plodovi manji i bez intenzivne boje ipak su zdraviji jer
nikakvim hemikalijama mi to ne tretiramo“. Vremenski uslovi im ne idu na ruku,
pa se pribojavaju da gotovo svakodnevni pljuskovi mogu da nanesu štetu
zasadima paprike i paradajza.
Radoje kaže da bi im bio potreban plastenik kako bi mogao da proizvodi povrće u
većim količinama čime bi pomogao i ostale stanovnike kolektivnog centra Bergen.
Radeći u maloj, ali i lepo uređenoj bašti voli da priča o tome koliko mu i priroda
vraća uloženi trud.
Dušanka je i ranijih godina sa svojom komšinicom Živanom održavala malu baštu,
ali kako nisu imale uslova da saniraju posledice kanalizacije koja se godinama
izlivala u njihovom naselju, njihova mala bašta je propala. Svako domaćinstvo

ovog centra se ne libi posla na polju pa tako je mnogima i to pomoglo da se u
današnjem vremenu kada za njih posla nema oseća korisnim, jer su i na taj način
uspeli da bar malo doprinesu porodici.
Radosti u ovom centru je malo, svako suočen sa teškim periodom života koji ih je
zadesio nosi tugu u srcu i bore na licu, ali ono što im uliva nadu jeste da će im se
prostor u kome borave uskoro renovirati i time im omogućiti pristojnije uslove za
život u kolektivnom centru. Brigu o svim stanovnicima kolektivnog centra Bergen
pre i tokom pandemije COVID-a 19 vodi UN Agencija za izbeglice-UNHCR, u sardnji
sa partnerskom organizacijom FDMC iz Gračanice.

As nature waking up with the first rays of the sun, two middle-aged people,
Dušanka Sokolović and Radoje Stijević, are visiting their small garden every day
and rejoice when nature gives them healthy fruits and vegetables.
Fifty-nine-year-old Dušanka Sokolović, internally displaced from the Kacanik, she
is looking for a job second decade in a row . Until 1999, she worked at Panorama,
but after the war in Kosovo, she lost her job. As she says, taught by her previous
experience, there is no bread without work, so she decided to not sit idly than to
make a small garden on two ares together with her neighbor Radoje Stijević. They
do not have the conditions for large-scale vegetable production, but in order not
to go to the store every day and buy vegetables, they decided to plant a little of
pepper, onion, tomato and potato.
Radoje Stijević, who escaped from the village of Drenje near Istog/Istok, says that
he also has cultivated the land in his hometown before, so working in the garden
is not a problem for him, but a pastime.
Primarily due to the care of their own health, Radoje and Dušanka produce
completely organic vegetables without the use of any pesticides. Dušanka notes
that the fruits they harvest are extremely different from the vegetables they
bought in small and large shops.

To our question why it is like that, Radoje answers that “although the fruits are
smaller and without intense color, they are still healthier because we do not treat
it with any chemicals”. The weather conditions are not in their favor, so they are
afraid that almost daily rainfall can damage the pepper and tomato plantations.
Radoje says that they would need a greenhouse in order to be able to produce
vegetables in larger quantities, not only for him, than to help other residents of
the Bergen Collective Shelter. Working in a small, but also beautifully landscaped
garden, he likes to talk about how much nature returns to him.
Dušanka also maintained a small garden with her neighbor Živana in previous
years, but as they did not have the conditions to repair the consequences of the
sewage that flowed in their settlement over the years, their small garden was
destroyed. Every household in this center does not hesitate to work in the field,
so that help them to feel useful in today’s time when there is not a lot of jobs
opportunities, because in that way they managed to contribute at least a little to
the family.
There is not to much joy in this center, everyone faced with a difficult period of
life and in their hearts and wrinkles on their faces, but what gives them hope is
that the space in which they live will soon be renovated and provide more decent
conditions for life in a Collective Shelters.
The care of all residents of the Bergen Collective Shselter before and during the
COVID-19 pandemic is led by the UN Refugee Agency – UNHCR, in cooperation
with the partner organization FDMC from Gracanica.

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