
Prva poseta patronažne sestre porodici novorođenčeta

Prva poseta patronažne sestre porodici najčešće je i najduža. Ona tada obrađuje pupčanu ranu, objašnjava majci kako se beba kupa i kako se održava higijena čula i genitalnih organa. a pokazuje i kako se novorođenče oblači i postavlja u položaj za spavanje. Prilikom njene sledeće posete, majka ili otac kupaju bebu, a patronažna sestra je tu da im sve strpljivo objasni i ohrabri ih. Sestra postavlja bebu na dojku i, ukoliko je neophodno, pomaže majci da bi dojenje bilo uspešno. Dok je u domu novorođenčeta, patronažna sestra prati odnos majke i bebe, kao i cele porodice. Ona pomaže roditeljima da pravilno neguju svoje novorođenče.

Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju/FDMC, partnerska organizacija UNICEF-a, uz podršku Ambasade Luksemburga implementira projekat “Jačanje kapaciteta lokalnih zdravstvenih ustanova u cilju povećanja kvaliteta imunizacije i patronažnog programa” u okviru ovog programa pripremila je animaciju kao podsetnik na važnost prve posete patronažne sestre porodici novorođenčeta.

A nurse’s visit to a family with a newborn.

The nurse’s first visit to the family is usually the longest. The nurse then treats the umbilical wound, explains to the mother how to bathe the baby and how to maintain the hygiene of the senses and genital organs. She also shows how to dress a newborn and put baby in a sleeping position.

During her next visit, the mother or father bathes the baby, and the nurse is there to patiently explain everything to parents and encourage them.

The nurse places the baby on the breast and, if necessary, helps the mother to make breastfeeding successful.

During the visit to the newborn, the nurse monitors the relationship between mother and baby, as well as the whole family. It helps parents to take proper care of their newborn baby.

The Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC, UNICEF partner organization, with the support of the Embassy of Luxembourg, is implementing the project “Strengthening the capacity of local Health Centers in order to increase the quality of immunization and home visiting programs”. Within this program, FDMC has prepared an animation as a reminder of the importance of the first nurses visit to the family of the newborn.

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