Beba rođena u toku pandemije / Baby born during pandemic
Iako pandemija korona virusa većini ljudi nije donela ništa dobro, to ne važi za mladi bračni par porodicu Petrović iz Gračanice, koji su u jeku epidemije prvog talasa COVID-a 19 dobili devojčicu Dinu.
“Strah, neizvesnost, korona virus, našli su se na putu rođenja bebe Dine, ali jaka i čvrsta vera je samo još jedan dokaz da i bebe rođene poput male Petrovićke mogu biti junaci od samog rođenja”. Tim rečima je majka Jelena Petrović počela priču o tome kako je i od čega strahovala pre samog rođenja bebice.
Dok je tata Boban pokušavao da pozitivnom energijom koju je prenosio na suprugu prikrije strah i uspevao u tome, ipak je i on kao budući roditelj bio zabrinut.
Ali kako se vreme približavalo i počeli su brojati dane do porođaja Jelena se prepustila pozitivnom osećaju jer je veliku pomoć u tome imala i od stane lekara i medicinskog osoblja sa Ginekološko – akušerske bolnice u Gračanici.
Njeno iskustvo prepričala nam je u par rečenica i izgledalo je ovako: “ Onda kada sam sa Bobanom krenula u bolnicu, naravno uz sve mere predostrožnosti, duple rukavice, maska koja prikriva skoro celo lice, sredstvo za dezinfekciju u tašni sa izveštajima lekara o vođenju trudnoće, stigli smo do bolnice. Merenje temperature, dezinfekcija ruku, i redovna procedura pre ulaska u porodilište je u meni probudio još veči strah. Dežurni doktor me je primio, iako ja ništa nisam rekla on je sam osetio potrebu da mi kaže da se ne trebam bojati jer su na odeljenju porodilišta preduzete sve mere i nema mesta panici i strahu od COVID-a 19.
U tom trenutku mi je bilo lakše, beba je carskim rezom rođena. Bila sam smeštena u posebnoj sobi, nakon nekoliko sati doneli su mi bebu sa čijim pogledom na nju se i moj čitav svet promenio, shvatila sam da smo mi jaka porodica koja je i u ovako teškom trenutku na svet donela predivne oči koje gledaju u svetlu budućnost. “ Istakla je Jelena.
Tata Boban je delio isti osećaj i svoj prvi kontakt sa bebom opisuje kao nešto najnežnije i najdivnije što nikada do tog trenutka nije mogao da zamisli da u njemu postoji takav osećaj.
Beba Dina je rođena sa preko 4 kg težine, i od samog rođenja je vitalna i dobrog zdravlja. Mama se nakon porođaja carskim rezom uspešno oporavila.
U trenutku kada smo mi posetili bebu rođenu u toku pandemije zatekli smo i patronažnu sestru Draganu Zelenović iz Doma zdravlja Gračanica, koja je bila da obiđe bebu Dinu.
Kako i sama patronažna sestra kaže, ona je obrađivala bebin pupak, savetovala mlade roditelje putem telefona, zbog trenutne situacije, šta i kako se trebaju ponašati posebno u vreme pandemije, pružala im svakojaku pomoć I podršku u prvim danima bebinog odrastanja. I nakon dva meseca obišla ih je da proveri kako je njena mala plavooka mezimica Dina i kako su roditelji.
Roditeljima Jeleni i Bobanu nakon izlaska iz bolnice savetovano je da trebaju izbegavati kontakte i da se i oni sami trebaju pridržavati svih propisanih mera koje preporučuje Svetska zdravstvena organizacija.
Autor: Snežana Perić
Projekat je podržan i finansiran od strane UNICEF-a / Luxembourg Aid and Development.
Although the corona virus pandemic did not bring anything good to the most of people, this does not apply to the young married couple, Petrovic family from Gracanica, who got a girl Dina in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.
“Fear, uncertainty, the corona virus, found themselves on the way to the birth of baby Dina, but a strong faith is just another proof that babies born like little Petrovic girl, can be heroes from birth.” With these words, mother Jelena Petrovic started the story about how and what she was afraid before the birth of the baby.
Father Boban tried to cover his fear with the positive energy he passed on to his wife and succeeded in doing it, but he, as a future parent, was also worried.
But as the time came and they started counting the days until the birth, Jelena gave in to a positive feeling because she had great help from the doctors and medical staff from the Gynecology – Obstetrics Hospital in Gracanica.
She told us about her experience in a few sentences and it looked like this: “When Boban and I went to the hospital, of course with all the precautions, double gloves, a mask that covers almost the whole face, a disinfectant in a bag, with doctors reports on the pregnancy, we arrived at the hospital. Measuring the temperature, disinfecting hands, and the regular procedure before entering the maternity hospitl aroused even greater fear in me. The doctor on duty received me, although I did not say anything, he felt the need to tell me that I should not be afraid because all measures have been taken in the maternity ward and there is no reason for panic and fear of COVID-19.
At that moment, it was easier for me, the baby was born by caesarean section. I was placed in a special room and after a few hours they brought me a baby with whose look my whole world changed, I realized that we are a strong family that even in such a difficult time brought into the world beautiful eyes looking to a bright future.“ Jelena pointed out.
Father Boban shared the same feeling and describes his first contact with the baby as something most gentle and wonderful that he could never have imagined that there was such feeling in him until that moment.
Baby Dina was born with over 4 kg of weight, and from birth she is vital and in good health. After the birth, mother successfully recovered by caesarean section.
At the moment when we visited the baby, we also met with patronage nurse Dragana Zelenovic from the Health Center Gracanica, who was visiting baby Dina.
As the patronage nurse says, she treated the baby’s navel, advised young parents how to behave, over the telephone, especially due to the current pandemic situation, and provided them with all kinds of help and support in the first days of the baby’s growth. And after two months, she visited them to check how her little blue-eyed Dina is and how her parents are.
After leaving the hospital, the parents, Jelena and Boban, were advised to avoid contacts and that they should respect all prescribed measures recommended by the World Health Organization.
Author: Snezana Peric
Project is supported and funded by UNICEF/ Luxembourg Aid and Development.