Kvalitet života žena tokom pandemije / Quality of life of women during a pandemic

Život u kolektivnim centrima nimalo nije lak, pored svih problema koje korisnici centara imaju, tu je i
koronavirus. Kvalitet života žena u vreme krize izazvane pandemijom COVID-19 virusa, bila je tema fokus
grupe održane u Centru građanske energije u Gračanici. Korisnice kolektivnih centara Bergen i Padalište
u opštini Gračanica, imale su priliku da sa psihologom porazgovaraju o problemima koji im dodatno
otežavaju život. Kroz razgovor sa psihologom, učesnice fokus grupe shvatile su koliko je bitno ostati
smiren, i gledati svet kroz „svetle naočare“.
Fokus grupu organizovao je Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, partnerska organizacija UNHCR-a.

Life in Collective Shelters is not easy at all, in addition to all the problems that the beneficiaries are
facing with, there is also the coronavirus. The quality of life of women during the crisis caused by the
COVID-19 virus pandemic was the topic of a focus group held at the Civic Energy Center in Gracanica.
The beneficiaries of the Collective Shelters Bergen and Padaliste in the Municipality of Gracanica, had
the opportunity to talk with psychologist about problems that make their lives even more difficult.
Through a conversation with a psychologist, the focus group participants realized how important it is to
stay calm and see the world through “bright glasses”.
Focus group was organized by Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, UNHCR partner

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