Đačke torbe i školski pribor za decu u Kolektivnim centrima / School bags and school supplies for children in Collective Shelters
Za mališane iz kolektivnih centara u opštinama Štrpce i Gračanica, Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, podelio je školske torbe, pribor, i zaštitnu opremu u borbi protiv pandemije koronavirusa, donirane od strane UNHCR-a.
“Potpuno je jasno da roditelji u kolektivnim centrima žive u teškim uslovim i da nisu u mogućnosti da deci priušte ni najosnovnije stvari, kako će tek onda da kupe sve što im je potrebno za školu. Namera nam je bila da bar malo ulepšamo detinjstvo i školse dane ovim mališanima“, kaže projektni asistent u FDMC-u Filip Dimić.
Ljuba Stević je samohrani otac koji izdržava trojicu sinova. Svi su školarci, a jedna plata nije dovoljna da podmiri sve potrebe.
„Važno je da deca imaju za hranu i da se obuku i obuju kad je hladno, a za ostalo možemo da istrpimo“, kaže.
Školske torbe, pribor, maske i sredstva za dezinfekciju u borbi protiv koronavirusa u ovom trenutku više su nego dobrodšli za njegove sinove Nikolu, Nemanju i Novaka.
Najstariji Nikola je srednjoškolac i dok je sa bratom zagleđivao u torbu da vidi šta je to dobio na poklon, saznajemo da onaljn nastavu braća prate preko jednog telefona.
„Svi delimo telefon, organizujemo se i svako na vreme završi sve školske obaveze“, priča Nikola.
Pored Gračanice, FDMC je prošlog meseca školske torbe i pribor podelio i u kolektvinim centrima u Štrpcu.
Ivana Ristić, majka troje dece, živi u nekadašnjem odmaralištu „Elektro – Kosovo“ koje je sada nužni smeštaj za raseljena lica. Njen najstariji sin studira dok je mlađi srednjoškolac, a ćerka osnovac.
„Pomoć nam mnogo znači jer nam dodatno olakšava početak školske godine. Meni je posebno drago kada nas članovi FDMC -a obilaze, dovoljno je da znamo da nismo sami i zaboravljeni“, ispričala je Ristićeva
Milica Milanković živi u kolektivnom centru „Junior“ kaže da se njena deca radiju priboru za školu ali i sredstvima za dezinfekciju koje su dobili.
„Uvek nam znači bilo kakva donacija i to što neko misli na nas, ne samo za vreme vanredne situacije, nego i kada je redovna situacija. Pre nekoliko dana je FDMC organizovao i radionicu za decu tome kako da se zaštite od koronavirusa. Lepo je što su na kreativan način pokazali deci kako da se zaštite, pravilno nose maske i dezinfikuju ruke“, ispričala je Milenkovićeva.
For children from Collective Shelters in the municipalities of Strpce and Gracanica, the Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, distributed school bags, school supplies, and protective equipment in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, donated by the UNHCR.
“It is completely clear that parents in collective centers live in difficult conditions and that they are not able to afford even the most basic things for their children. Our intention was to try to make the childhood and school days better for these children.” – says FDMC project assistant, Filip Dimić.
Ljuba Stevic is a single father who supports three sons. They are all schoolchildren, and one salary is not enough to meet all needs.
“It’s important for children to have food, clothes and shoes, and we can put up with the rest,” he says. School bags, accessories, masks and disinfectants in the fight against coronavirus at this time are more than welcome for his sons Nikola, Nemanja and Novak.
“We all share the phone, we get organized and everyone completes all school obligations on time” says Nikola.
In addition to Gracanica, last month the FDMC distributed school bags and accessories in the Collective Shelters in Strpce Municipality.
Ivana Ristic, a mother of three children, lives in the former resort “Elektro – Kosovo”, which is now a temporarily accommodation for displaced persons. Her eldest son is studying while the younger is a high school student, and her daughter is a primary school student. “This help means a lot to us because it makes the beginning of the school year even easier for us. I am especially glad when the members of FDMC visit us, it is enough to know that we are not alone and forgotten, “said Ivana.
Milica Milanković, who lives in the Collective Shelter “Junior”, says that her children are satisfied with the school supplies, but also with the disinfectants they received.
“Any donation always means something to us and the fact that someone thinks of us, not only during an emergency situation, but also when it is a regular situation. A few days ago, the FDMC organized a workshop for children on how to protect themselves from coronavirus. It is nice that they showed the children in a creative way how to protect themselves, wear masks properly and disinfect their hands, “said Mrs. Milenković.